Sad Songs for White Boys: Selected Poems 2010-2020
A collection of poems spanning my first ten years of writing.
This collection represents an uneven and idiosyncratic overview of those ten years of writing. There are poems from each of my pamphlets/solo shows (Notes From A Quarter-Life Crisis, The Man Who Loved Beer, Gigantic Lying Mouth), poems from theatre productions (REaD, Suffering from Scottishness), poems commissioned for weddings, poems written for festivals, poems published in long forgotten fanzines, brand new poems never before committed to the page, poems read once at an open mic and consigned to a drawer – snapshots of a time and a place.
They’ve come together to sit side by side and tell the story of my first ten years as a writer, and the last ten years of my life. I’ve deliberately muddled the chronology and left them bereft of context, creating something thrilling in the new associations between pieces penned years apart.
A poetry collection that’s dreamlike in parts and painfully real in others ‘Sad Songs for White Boys’ gives the reader a slice of Scotland, 10 years in the making.